Step one

Use a piece of tape and place it over the widest part of your nail bed.

Step two

Take a marker to mark the left side of your nail.

Step three

Repeat step two to mark the right side of your nail.

Step four

Remove the tape carefully.

Step five

Take a ruler and measure out the width of your nail bed. We would appreciate of you could provide us with your measurements in cm/mm.

Step six

After you’ve measured all your nail sizes, make sure to write them down in the form provided below each of the designs after your order has been placed successfully.
You will receive a conformation email form us which will also include your order number.
You will need that order number when you fill out the form so please send in the form AFTER receiving your conformation email. 

Write them down like this:

Right hand : 14mm/ 10mm/ 11mm/ 10mm/ 9mm
Left hand: 13mm/ 10mm/ 11mm/ 10mm/ 8mm

that’s it!